
All You Need To Know About The Certificate in Professional Marketing

In the journey to becoming a professional marketer, enrolling for a Certificate in Professional Marketing is the first step. It is the easiest step and you can do it by following this link. However, before taking this step you need to know what exactly you are getting yourself into right?

who is professional marketing for

Who is it for?

The Certificate in Professional Marketing is an elaborate course that covers four key areas in marketing. As recommended by the global professional body of marketing CIM, the course is meant for individuals in junior marketing roles. Additionally, the course is also applicable to those in different roles that require marketing support.

For a full list of entry requirements kindly visit the Simon Page website.

What does it entail?

The Certificate in professional marketing is made up of 3 course units.

The mandatory units are:

  1. Marketing
  2. Integrated Communications

These mandatory units build a solid foundation towards the start of a successful marketing career as they thoroughly cover all the basics.

The elective unit offered is:

  1. Digital Marketing

This unit is crucial to the completion of your certificate in professional marketing. In addition, one has the option of taking one unit and attain a modular award from CIM.

How is it measured?

how is the certificate in professional marketing measured?

After a rigorous process of tutoring and real life application the CIM issues a written exam. Simon Page College of Marketing will be responsible for making sure you are registered and provide all the necessary details prior to exam dates.

In addition to a written exam, two work-based assignments are necessary for the successful completion of a Certificate in Professional Marketing. During this process you will have access to the faculty (who will guide you step by step) and class facilities.

Now that you know what you are getting into. Register for the Certificate in Professional Marketing today.

Emmanuel Eshun
Emmanuel Eshun

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