
Online Ads That Actually Work

To get a good Return on Investment, you need to figure out the most effective online ads that actually work for your brand. Developing relevant content either through social media or blog articles is fundamental. The biggest trick to achieving more with your online Ads is by ensuring that you spend the smallest amount of resources and gain the largest amount of benefits possible.

Online advertising could be very expensive to extend of surpassing the price of traditional marketing. Therefore, it is ideal to design an online advertising strategy that can help reach your target audience better by presenting your brand where they frequent most.

The following are types of online ads that could actually give you better results:


Paid Search Advertising

Online marketing gives you results in two categories; organic and paid.
Organic Search results refer to the traffic created by random internet users who stumble upon your content as they search keywords or phrases related to what you offer.
Paid Seach Result is a digital marketing strategy that involves paying search engines to help your brand rank among the top on search engine result pages (SERPS).

Getting a listing on the first page of search engines like google, yahoo, or bing; helps in redirecting more relevant traffic to your website. You can use organic search for conversions by optimizing the content on your site but Paid Search gives better results in a relatively short period of time. To use paid search as your online advertising strategy means entering into an auction and competing with other bidders for advertising space.

So, to get more consideration by your target audience, you need to input the most important information on your Adwords.

For Instance, if you are selling a Television;

  • Give a brief description of the Television Set.
  • Share the TV specs that could lure them to purchase the set.
  • Include the exact or price range of the Television model.


Display Ads

This kind of internet advertising involves the use of banners with a graphical representation of content in the form of text or images. Display ads are placed on relevant third-party websites in the form of banner, image and text ads. Display Ads include a call to action that encourages any internet user that comes across it to click on it in order to be redirected to a landing page for more detailed information.

For this to perform well, you are required to design responsive banners for the ad. This means adjusting the size, appearance, and format of your assets to fit available ad spaces on the Google Display Network.

A responsive Display Ad asset may include:

  • A logo of your brand
  • A catchy headline of your Campaign (E.g, Pay Less for More)
  • An image of the items you are selling for less


Video Advertising

A survey done in March 2019 by the GeoPoll on digital media consumption in Africa revealed that 64.91%  of Kenya’s online traffic was generated through mobile phones. Television was listed as the second option and newspapers being the least important source of information.

According to an article by Steve Day; 92% of B2B prospects consume online video and 4 billion videos are watched on YouTube every day

As a professional Digital Marketer, capitalizing on millennial’s media consumption behavior could translate to more return on investment (ROI). Creating short videos of between 1-3 mins as a way of marketing your services or product is the best way to pass information.

To make Video a powerful Online Advertising Tool for your brand;

  • Include valuable or interesting content that can be shared by your consumers. That’s is how some videos go viral.
  • Put a sense of urgency as a call to action. (Such as Book your Ticket Before the Offer Ends)
  • Create a brand personality that relates to your target audience.

If your video is to get more millennials to subscribe to your services or purchase your product, use a language that relates to them.

In Kenya, many telecom brands like Safaricom and Telkom have used Sheng, the Kenyan slang, and some humor in their promo videos to create reach more youths.

If you would be interested in learning how to set up Paid Search, Display and Video Ads, please let us know in the comment section or email us on [email protected].

Emmanuel Eshun
Emmanuel Eshun

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