
Content Marketing 101

Content marketing is the sharing of informative content that is relevant, interesting and useful to the target audience. This means that you create content that your readers relate with-content that they actually find useful.

The goal of content marketing is to help your audience improve their quality of life by establishing yourself as a thought leader. You provide guidance through challenges that they are facing in their business. When you do this well, your brand becomes more visible, valuable and relatable. The more useful content you churn out, the more your brand gains a reputation as a leader in your field. This is what you capitalize on to establish dominance.

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How does Content Marketing provide value to you as a business?

Your business gains value from content marketing through organic traffic. This is where people discover you through some kind of search platform like Google or YouTube and they check out your content. It is different from other kinds of traffic for this reason; people are actually looking for you. They are searching for information related to your business and field of expertise-that is how they discovered you in the first place.

The difference between content marketing and other types of marketing is that with content marketing, your audience comes to you while on other platforms you have to go to your audience. This is interesting because this means a few things:

  1. These people have a problem
  2. They are aware of the problem
  3. They want the problem to be solved

All these are critical factors for online selling and you can create content that is uniquely suited to grow your business.

Are you now convinced that content marketing is a good idea? Yes. Good. So, you now need to create a strategy.

A content marketing strategy is a plan for building an audience by creating content that educates, inspires and maintains your fans and turns them into customers. In other words, you are building relationships while solving problems.

To create your mark in the field and ensure your customers are loyal to you, create value and provide information that solves their problems. Do not create content without a strategy.

What Determines the Content Marketing Strategy?

  1. Knowing who your customers are and speaking their language
  2. Determine what information they need. Step into their shoes and walk their journey because this is going to be your content roadmap
  3. Know how to communicate with your customers. Resonate with your customers and keep experimenting and adjusting with the language until you get their voice right.
  4. Build an audience. How do you do this? You do this by creating useful, relevant content that draws in your audience. Your content should be good enough to not only build an audience, but also make them stay.
  5. Give your content a push. Post your content where your audience spends most of their time. This might cost money and you therefore need to produce content that converts.

It is so much better to do one thing consistently and do it well than trying to do it all. Be a problem solver and this will automatically build relationships and an audience. Be SMART about the content you are putting out there. To learn how to create a content marketing strategy, visit

Emmanuel Eshun
Emmanuel Eshun

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