
5 Creative Ways to Make Money Online in Kenya

The New Year is here and your focus is finding possible ways to make more money and grow your business.

But, have you come up with a strategy to achieve the above?

According to the World Bank and Commonwealth’s 2019 end of year reviews on East Africa’s economic growth, Kenya was highlighted as the “Most Promising” in the region. World Bank’s country review released in September 2019 stated that; “Kenya has the potential to be one of Africa’s success stories from its growing youthful population, a dynamic private sector, highly skilled workforce, improved infrastructure, a new constitution, and its pivotal role in East Africa.”
In addition to that, Kenya topped in the internet world stats, African region, by 89.8% internet penetration into its population. This only goes to show that; any creative idea you may have of running anything online to generate an income or extra cash has approximately 80% potential of being successful.

The following is a list of 5 Creative Ways you can easily make money in Kenya in 2020:


      1. Start an Online Business

Have you been thinking about starting your own business in 2020?
Did you know that you can start a very profitable online business without a single penny?

The existence of multiple digital channels and the presence of a large number of target audiences online has shifted the structure of marketing for many organizations. Companies are now increasing their online presence and embracing influence marketing.
You can take advantage of this and build a profile for yourself as an influencer either on Instagram, Facebook, or YouTube. Develop a fan base of potential buyers and partner with companies that can relate with your brand, as their affiliate marketer. You can as well start an online shop for clothes, shoes or bags and offer to deliver to your customer’s doorstep at affordable prices.

Facebook and Instagram allow you to promote your business with detailed targeting, enabling you to reach more people faster within your desired demography.


      2. Become an Online Tutor

We are all good at something. What is that one skill that you’ve perfect on?
Is it photography, digital marketing, painting, foreign language or even playing an instrument? “How to” keyword phrases are on the top rank of the Google Trends in Kenya. Creating short videos and sharing them on social media or uploading them on YouTube could earn you money depending on the popularity of your videos or number of audience subscribed to your content.

      3. Get Paid to Deliver Products

The growing trend in online buying in Kenya gives an opportunity to tap into the delivery niche. That’s why restaurants are investing more in BodaBoda (motorbike) delivery as a way of reaching their target audience in time to maintain a competitive advantage over their competitors. Other institutions like Sendy have dedicated their services to cater to Business-to-Business deliveries hence creating more jobs.

You can get a part-time job as a delivery person in any of these institutions or buy your own BodaBoda and start delivering products for people who are already running their businesses online.

      4. Become a Mover

If you live in Kenya this may not be news to you. Every end of the month people is always moving to a new place or town. The existing companies of movers in Kenya at the moment are a bit pricey for a Kenyan with lower income to afford. You could start a business that caters to the normal “mwanachi” (citizen) by simply borrowing your friend’s pickup truck on the days that they are not busy or getting a loan to buy one and payback as you earn. Then set up an online profile for your business for prospects to discover you, request for your services, and stand a chance of joining the list of those making money online in Kenya.

      5. Become a Freelancer

Freelance writing in Kenya has come of age. We’ve heard so many stories of youths in the country paying their higher learning fees with online writing. You can sing up for freelance writing on sites like Fiverr , Upwork or iWriter and make a living out of it. Join groups on Facebook like the Academic Research Writers Kenya to get updates on the latest writing jobs available and make money online from the comfort of your home.

You can also work part-time as a freelance photographer, video editor, and graphic designer by setting up an account on Behance and showcase your previous projects to make extra cash online.

Do you have any other creative ideas of how you can make money online in Kenya? Please share it with us in the comment section. In case you would like to improve your skills in running your business online, please let us know as well. We can help you grow your business’ online presence.

Emmanuel Eshun
Emmanuel Eshun

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